Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Para inglês ver...

Bem, vou tentar escrever algumas coisas em inglês aqui... Perdoem os crimes que eu cometer contra a gramática. Vou melhorar....
I need to do something. I need to put my life in one way, only one way. And this is very dificulty. In this week I need to talk with my uncle Lelo and with my cousin Janaina. I need come back to Fiepe and program my vacation. Wednesday, I will lunch with Aldo. He were my boss and now we're friends. He work at Diario de Pernambuco and meet much persons and can help me with other work. Live is one wonderfull thing, but at the same time is very strange too. So hard. I don't finish my finance programation, and this is the most important thing in this moment. I can't think about this, but I need. Saturday I will go to downtown, there is one commercial center, and I will buy decorations to Christmas. Yes, I will do a big party, wonderfull and unforgettable. I need sale my car. If you meet someone that wants one Fiesta, call me. And you Goddess? Why you don't answer me? Why prefer the silence? Please, help me, you're the only one that can do this.

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